Voice matters, not only for singers!

Each one of us values his voice and spoken communication for different reasons; some enjoy hitting those high notes, aiming to be or are already professional voice users (e.g. singers, actors, or broadcast personalities), others might be in different other fields which makes them occupational voice users (e.g. lawyers, fitness instructors, teachers, receptionists, public speakers…), and some just want to enjoy making conversations and sending voice notes to their loved ones.

Taking care of our voice isn’t something we are usually aware of until our voice quality changes.

Vocal Hygiene consists of incorporating positive habits in our daily life, to maintain a healthy larynx and a strong voice throughout our life.


Are you ready to take the test? For the next 12 questions pick the choice that applies to the majority of the time. Don't forget to take notes of your choices to calculate your score!

1. Throughout my day I drink ___ glasses of water

a- 2-4

b- 4-6

c- 6-8

2. When it comes to food, spicy and fried dishes are

a- My top favourite

b- Never on my mind

c- Reached sometimes

3. Every night I sleep for about___ hours

a- 3-5

b- 5-7

c- 7-9

4. When I want to get someone’s attention in a noisy room I …

a- wave to them or tap their shoulder

b- Scream over the noise

c- Ask the person next to me to call them

5. To feel fresh in indoor places

a- I keep the AC on

b- I use a humidifier

c- I open the window

6. After a party, concert or a sports game

a- My voice is a bit tired, but it doesn’t hurt

b- I have perfected my clapping skills

c- My voice is hoarse and tired.

7. I use my voice during meetings, presentations, calls, teaching…

a- 2-4 Hours per day

b- 7+ Hours per day

c- 5-6 Hours per day

8. If I am stressed out

a- I practice first some relaxation techniques before speaking

b- I discuss the matter right away or call my best friend

c- I write down my thoughts or use texting apps

9. When my vocal chords are inflamed, or when I feel a build of mucus

a- I drink water or try a firm swallow

b- I cough hard

c- I gently clear my throat

10. When I lose my voice due to laryngitis

a- I communicate through signing, writing or texting

b- I force too hard to be heard

c- I whisper few words when necessary 

11. Smoking for me is

a- Essential! It’s hard to quit

b- Just a social habit, and sometimes I am secondary smoker

c- Is a no no! I avoid it in all its forms

12. Having a glass or two

a- Is never enough for me, I consume alcohol daily

b- Is off the table! I don’t drink

c- Is great in social events! I enjoy it, occasionally, with friends and music



Over 25 Points: You’re a Vocal Health Superstar! You are aware of what keeps your voice healthy. Stay Hydrated and keep practicing the good habits!

15 – 25 Points: You’re a wiggler You are used to practice some unhealthy habits. Small changes can make a great difference!

Less than 15 Points: You’re a Voice loss risk taker! You are unaware of what is harmful to your voice and you’re risking getting a vocal injury or pathology. It’s time to make some serious changes!

What was your result? Are you on the right track or many changes need to take place?

It’s important to know that scores here may reflect some compensations, which doesn’t neglect the great harm some habits can cause to our general health; like smoking, consuming alcohol, not getting enough sleep, and not staying hydrated!

When a voice disorder occurs; cases of dysphonia (impairment of the voice) or aphonia ( inability to produce voiced sound) , regardless of the reason, the first step to be taken after consulting a doctor is vocal rest. People around you should support you during this period; you should not force yourself to talk for any reason as this might cause a serious injury, instead, take it as an opportunity to talk less and hear more, communicate through texting and practice your signing skills! If this period lasts for more than 7 days, or in case voice disorders happen frequently, don't hesitate to consult your doctor and a Speech Language Pathologist who can help you in the process of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Your voice is part of your identity, take care of your vocal hygiene! 

Originally Published on LinkedIn - October 30, 2018


